Displays an indicator showing the completion progress of a task, typically displayed as a progress bar.
Import the component. It's mandatory to wrap the whole component with the Tailwind tag.
const { Tailwind } = VM.require("uiisnear.near/widget/tailwind");
const { Progress } = VM.require("uiisnear.near/widget/progress");
if (Tailwind == undefined) return "";
<Progress value={20} />
API Reference
Contains all of the progress parts.
Prop | Type | Default |
value | number | null | --- |
max | number | --- |
getValueLabel | function | --- |
Data attribute | Values |
[data-state] | "complete" | "indeterminate" | "loading" |
[data-value] | The current value |
[data-max] | The max value |
Classnames available to customize the component.
Function | Classname |
Progress | progressClassname |