A succinct message that is displayed temporarily.
Import all parts and piece them together. It's mandatory to wrap the whole component with the Tailwind tag.
const { Tailwind } = VM.require("uiisnear.near/widget/tailwind");
const { Button } = VM.require("uiisnear.near/widget/button");
const { Toaster, ToastAction, ToastConf } = VM.require(
const [toasts, setToasts] = useState([]);
const openToast = ({ ...props }) => {
open: true,
onOpenChange: (open) => {
if (!open) setToasts([]);
if (Tailwind == undefined) return "";
onClick={() => {
title: "Scheduled: Catch up",
description: "Friday, February 10, 2023 at 5:57 PM",
Show Toast
API Reference
The provider that wraps your toasts and toast viewport. It usually wraps the application.
Prop | Type | Default |
label* | string | "Notification" |
swipeDirection | enum | "right" |
swipeThreshold | number | 50 |
The fixed area where toasts appear. Users can jump to the viewport by pressing a hotkey. It is up to you to ensure the discoverability of the hotkey for keyboard users.
Prop | Type | Default |
hotkey | string[] | ["F8"] |
label | string | "Notifications ({hotkey})" |
The button that toggles the popover. By default, the PopoverContent will position itself against the trigger.
Prop | Type | Default |
type | enum | "foreground" |
duration | number | --- |
defaultOpen | boolean | true |
open | boolean | --- |
onOpenChange | function | --- |
onEscapeKeyDown | function | --- |
onPause | function | --- |
onResume | function | --- |
onSwipeStart | function | --- |
onSwipeMove | function | --- |
onSwipeEnd | function | --- |
onSwipeCancel | function | --- |
forceMount | boolean | --- |
Data attribute | Values |
[data-state] | "open" | "closed" |
[data-swipe] | "start" | "move" | "cancel" | "end" |
[data-swipe-direction] | "up" | "down" | "left" | "right" |
An optional title for the toast.
The toast message.
An action that is safe to ignore to ensure users are not expected to complete tasks with unexpected side effects as a result of a time limit.
Prop | Type | Default |
altText* | string | --- |
A button that allows users to dismiss the toast before its duration has elapsed.
Classnames available to customize the component.
Function | Classname |
ToastViewport | toastViewportClassname |
ToastAction | toastActionClassname |
ToastClose | toastCloseClassname |
ToastTitle | toastTitleClassname |
ToastDescription | toastDescriptionClassname |